Adult Services
CAFCL is a community focused organization providing services to people to develop skills and build quality of life.

Support Home Program

MORE Program

Outreach Program

Rose Club

Residential Program

Education Department

Support Home Program
CAFCL contracts private homeowners in the community to provide unique living options for adults with developmental disabilities. These options include room and board, an independent basement suite, or living with a roommate. The Support Home proprietor is contracted to provide support in the areas identified as the individual's needs (e.g. cooking, problem solving, community involvement.)
MORE (Meaningful Options for Role Enhancement) Program
Meaningful Options for Role Enhancement serves adults with developmental disabilities who are seeking meaningful activities to experience a high quality of life. This program provides opportunities for the exploration of recreation, volunteer, leisure, educational, employment and other types of activities. These activities are also a way of discovering interests and developing valued, meaningful roles for individuals in the community.
Outreach Program
This program supports adults with developmental disabilities or acquired brain injury, who have certain degrees of independence yet require some support in daily living. Individuals most often live on their own; however, in a suite in a CAFCL home or, they may also be living with their own families. Outreach workers provide support, assistance and training for individuals to meet their day-to-day needs (e.g., cooking, budgeting, grocery shopping). Support varies significantly in terms of frequency and intensity, is based on individual needs, and can range from 1 hour per week to approximately 40 hours per week. Individuals also have access to an emergency on-call number for assistance at any time.
The Rose Club
The Rose Club is an adult drop-in centre where members plan and participate in social, recreational, and educational activities. The Club officially meets approximately six times a month for Club night. This Club is run by the members. CAFCL provides the Club with a part-time staff person who assists the executive in planning activities. The executive is elected each year by the members. A person does not need to be part of CAFCL services to join.
Residential Program
The Residential program provides support and supervision in daily living. Staffing support varies from 15-24 hours each day. This program also takes into account the uniqueness of each individual’s needs and uses creativity in the matching of roommates or setting up living situations. Within three of the residences, there are seven suites for individuals who require more support than other programs can provide, but who still wish to have their own apartment-type accommodation. One of these suites is a transition suite where an individual can live for a predetermined amount of time to try independent living, be assessed, learn specific skills, or receive support while alternate services are put in place. We currently have 10 residences. With CAFCL owning four of them, and the others rented by the individuals from landlords in the community.